Sunday, April 23, 2006

Interesting podcast

This one's actually a week old, but I just had a chance to listen to it this morning. It's from ABC Radio's 774 Lifestyle:Money podcast, as originally broadcast in Melbourne on 15 April. The show discusses budgeting and how to make it work for you.
link to mp3 file
link to podcast feed

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Teaching Notes

I have been quite busy this semester with class preparation. It's amazing how much more work it is the first time you teach something new. I'm enjoying the personal finance course (FINM1401) . I had lots of fun writing up the assignment -- a case study featuring a young professional with the types of financial problems/goals that students might have 4 to 5 years after graduating. Between the two classes I have over 700 students, so answering email can be time consuming. I try to train them to use the online discussion board so everyone can see the question and answer -- usually there are several with the same question.