Monday, August 03, 2009

Special Studies Program (SSP)

Clearly, one of the great perks of the academic lifestyle is sabbatical or study leave. At UQ, the official designation is Special Studies Program (SSP) -- and that's where I am this semester.

We left Brisbane on 1 July (my husband and I arranged our SSP at the same time and visiting in the same place). First stop was Hong Kong, where we met up with an academic colleague who had visited UQ a couple of years back. We had a great visit, and spent some time looking around Hong Kong for a few days. Next stop, Leeds, UK, where my husband had a conference to attend. Finally, on 10 July, we arrived at the University of Kent in Canterbury. We're both visiting academics here until the end of September. I've been using the time to catch up on research projects and refresh my knowledge of topics related to finance. While I'm near Europe, I'll be attending the European Finance Assn meetings in Bergen Norway later this month. I'll also be attending the FMA meeting in Reno in October, before we return to Australia in November.
