Friday, January 18, 2008

Welcome to a new academic year

Don't know if anyone is still checking this feed -- it's been months since I last posted.

Down here, January means school holidays and summer vacation. Most of my non-academic friends assume that means I'm on holidays too, but this is not the case. I did take the first two weeks of January off to pursue my creative hobbies, but now it's back to work. I have two research papers to revise and resubmit, and I need to get ready for semester 1, which starts on 25 February.

This semester I'm teaching half of three courses (I've divided my teaching load with a colleague so we can pick and choose topics that we are interested in). FINM1401 is an introduction to personal financial planning for non-business students. No finance background is assumed. FINM2401 is the introductory finance course for business undergrads. Many of the students will not take another finance course, but others will major in finance. It's a huge course with 600 students each semester. We break that into two lecture streams (and countless tutorial streams). FINM7065 is introductory finance for MBAs. The content is similar to FINM2401 with a more applied/managerial slant.

I've set up some shared tags in Google Reader so I can tag new items relevant to these courses. For FINM1401 you'll find the shared items here. For FINM2401/7065 they are here.

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